September 22nd 2014: Austrianova Publishes use of Cell-in-a-Box® Encapsulation Technology for Treatment of Diabetes
Austrianova, and its partner Nuvilex Inc., announced today the publication of a scientific article in the international, online journal Diabetes Research and Treatment: Open Access. The article reviews the current status of the use of cell encapsulation for the treatment of diabetes and highlights the application of the Cell-in-a-Box® encapsulation technology. Besides discussing some of the characteristics of this technology that make it ideal for the treatment of diabetes,it summarises some of the encouraging data that has already been obtained by Austrianova and it’s partners in animal models of diabetes.
The article can be accessed here 📖.
Prof. Walter H Gunzburg, Chairman of the Board of Austrianova said, “Austrianova is a pioneer in the development of the Cell-in-a-Box® encapsulation technology for the treatment of a variety of diseases including diabetes. This publication explains why the Cell-in-a-Box®technology is ideally suited for this purpose and also describes preclinical data. Austrianova is working closely with Nuvilex, Inc. and others so that this treatment will be advanced to the market as rapidly as possible”.
Dr. Brian Salmons, CEO of Austrianova, stated “We are happy that our paper has appeared in Diabetes Research and Treatment since this journal focuses on all aspects of diabetes including innovative research, preventive measures, therapeutic treatment, diabetic education, management, and related disorders” and is available online in open access form.
A full PDF copy of the journal article published in Diabetes Research and Treatment can be downloaded by clicking the link above, or alternatively you can view the article in the publications section of our website.
Micro-encapsulation of living cells for immuno-protection and localization in patients